Pensions and welfare reforms: redistribution or Redistribution?



29/03/19 – 13h
Matteo Jessoula
Open seminar “Pensions and welfare reforms: redistribution or Redistribution?”

Edifici MRA (Campus UAB, Bellaterra)
Seminari del SGR AGAPP IGOP, obert (seminari en anglès)

Matteo Jessoula is Associate Professor, Dept. of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan. Coordinator of the “International Observatory on Social Cohesion and Inclusion” funded by Easy-care Foundation, Reggio Emilia. National coordinator within the European network of independent experts, ESPNEuropean social policy network.  Main research interests: Comparative welfare states,

Policy and politics of pension, employment and social assistance reforms, Institutional change, European social governance, empirical political theory.


Last publications

– Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion in the EU. A chance in Europe 2020, Routledge, 2018 (edited with I. Madama).

– Pension multi-pillarization in Italy: actors, “institutional gates” and the “new politics” of funded pensions, in “Transfer”, 1/2018.

– Italian Pensions from “Vices” to Challenges: assessing actuarial multi-pillarization twenty years on (with M. Raitano), in D. Natali (ed) (2017), The New Pension Mix in Europe, Brussels, Peter Lang.

– Welfare occupazionale e welfare state: incastri virtuosi? focus del numero 2/2017 de La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali.