Ordre alfabètic (selecció projectes)
Projectes destacats
- Euroship (2020 – 2023)
- Yes we rent (2018 – 2021)
- Models of education from 0 to 3 years of age and participation in the labour market: Study of social innovation in Barcelona (2018 – 2020)
- Investing in Children: Politics, Policies and Outcomes (ECECWEL) (2018-2021)
- Migration and Democratic Diffusion: Comparing the Impact of Migration on Democratic Participation and Processes in Countries of Origin (MIGRADEMO) (2018-2023)
- Interseccionalitat de les desigualtats entre la joventut catalana
- Promoting Youth involvement and social engagement (PROMISE) (2016-2019)
- Social Vulnerability and its Intersections: The role of gender in a comparative perspective (VINE) (2017-2019)
- Local cultural policies and equity. Study with participatory research methodology (2018)
- Good practices analysis, spaces for exchange and activities for the dissemination of knowledge (2018)
- Transformational Leadership, PSM and performance: clarifying the relations and the role of sector, job characteristics and organizational mission values
- Transnational Political Incorporation (2015-2018)
- Multi Agency Training Exit Strategies for radicalised youth (MATES) (2016-2018)
- Altres projectes
The EUROSHIP project aims to provide original and gender sensitive assessment of the current gaps in social protection against poverty and social exclusion in Europe. Through the involvement of national and European stakeholders, EUROSHIP aims to develop policy recommendations on how to strengthen social citizenship at the national and EU level.
EUROSHIP will capture EU citizens’ narratives and experiences among women and men with low education and low income. The project puts into sharp focus the opportunities, challenges and responses they encounter in the face of rapid policy transformations of social protection systems in different institutional and societal contexts.
The consortium is supported by a Scientific Advisory Committee with distinguished members mainly from countries not covered by the consortium members, a European Stakeholder Committee and seven National Stakeholder Committees in Norway, UK, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Hungary.
IP: Margarita León
Research team: Ismael Blanco, Zyab Ibañez, Carlos Delclós, Charlotte Fernández, Llorenç Soler i Lara Maestripieri.
Dates: 2020-2023
Web: https://euroship-research.eu/
El projecte analitza el desenvolupament d’una iniciativa público-cooperativa innovadora en l’àmbit de l’habitatge a la ciutat de Mataró. En concret, la creació d’una cooperativa de llogaters que ofereixi condicions favorables a propietaris d’habitatges desocupats que busquin mobilitzar els seus habitatges amb garanties i a un preu assequible.
La recerca es centra en el canvis institucionals i organitzatius emprats per l’administració pública municipal i el teixit associatiu i cooperatiu local en el procés d’implementació d’aquesta iniciativa.
El projecte està finançat pel programa europeu “Accions Urbanes Innovadores” i liderat per l’Ajuntament de Mataró. Els socis del projecte son: Fundació Unió de Cooperadors, Salesians Sant Jordi, Diputació de Barcelona, Fundació Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme i IGOP – UAB. L’equip IGOP del projecte està format per Raquel Gallego (IP), Lorenzo Vidal, Iolanda Bianchi, Carlos Delclos i Charlotte Fernández.
IP: Raquel Gallego
Research team: Lorenzo Vidal, Iolanda Bianchi , Carlos Delclos i Charlotte Fernández.
Dates: 2018-2021
Web: https://www.uia-initiative.eu/en/uia-cities/mataro
Models of education from 0 to 3 years of age and participation in the labour market: Study of social innovation in Barcelona
Why families (parents) prefer and/or choose a particular option or model of education for their 0-3 years old children, and a particular model of participation in the labour market? These two decisions are made simultaneously because they are interdependent. As far as these decisions have a deep impact on several dimensions of equity and (in)equality of opportunities (not only for parents, but also for children), it is highly relevant, from a social, political and economic point of view, to know their motivations. Over the past recent years, innovative, alternative models of 0-3 pre-school education have appeared next to the traditional, institutionalized (public/private) provision. What are the characteristics of all these models? What is their distribution across the neighbourhoods of Barcelona? Which family profiles choose each option and why? This study provides knowledge useful to design policy tools that may influence parents’ decisions and improve equality of opportunities for parents and children.
IP: Raquel Gallego
Research team: Nicolás Barbieri (UAB), Jaume Blasco (UAB), Cristina de Gispert (UB), Sheila González (UAB), Paula Salinas (UAB), Enric Saurí (UAB), Maite Vilalta (UB), Lara Maestripieri (IGOP – UAB), Alejandra Peña López (IGOP – UAB).
Dates: 2018-2020
Web: https://blogs.uab.cat/primerainfancia/
Investing in Children: Politics, Policies and Outcomes (ECECWEL)
To study how equality and quality interact with ECEC expansion this project propose an analytical focus organized around three main streams (1) Politics, (2) Policies, and (3) Outcomes. These three integrated parts will look at the political conditions under which the development of the investing in children paradigm takes places unveiling tensions and contradictions among different actors and mobilization capacity of different social groups and public opinion support; investigate the realization of the investing in children paradigm by looking at policy designs and implementation mechanisms at national, subnational and municipal levels into the early years; and study the outcomes of these policies by looking at conditions of accessibility for groups of different socio-economic background.
The research project “Investment in Early Childhood: Policy, Policies and Results (ECECWEL)” was selected in the 2017 Call: Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad,del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad.
IP: Margarita León
Research team: Zyab Ibáñéz (IGOP/UAB); Ricard Gomà (IERMB), Sebastián Sarasa (UPF); Olga Salido (UCM); Lucía Martínez (Universidad de Navarra); Daniel Gabaldón (Universidad de Valencia); Lara Maestripieri (IGOP/UAB); Lara Navarro (IERMB/UAB); Joan Miró (UAB) y Alejandra Peña López (IGOP/UAB). Expertos internacionales: Mary Daly (University of Oxford); Christian Morabito (UNESCO), Emmanuele Pavolini (Universitad de Macerata) y Costanzo Ranci (Politecnico de Milano).
Dates: 2018-2021
Migration and Democratic Diffusion: Comparing the Impact of Migration on Democratic Participation and Processes in Countries of Origin (MIGRADEMO)
The objective of this project is to unravel the impact of migration on democratic participation and processes in countries of origin. Both international migration and democratic development are important contemporary public and policy concerns.
Research project funded under the H2020 ERC-Consolidator Grant 2016 (ERC CoG) Program.
IP: Eva Ostergaard-Nielsen
Dates: 2018-2023
Interseccionalitat de les desigualtats entre la joventut catalana
Aquest projecte de recerca té com a objectiu principal analitzar, des d’una perspectiva d’interseccionalitat, les relacions entre diferents dimensions de la desigualtat social que afecten als joves, tot partint de les dades obtingudes a l’Enquesta a la Joventut de Catalunya 2017 (EJC17). La recerca pren la interseccionalitat com a perspectiva principal, i combina metodologies quantitatives i qualitatives: • Metodologia quantitativa: anàlisi de la inseguretat econòmica que pateixen les persones joves a partir de les dades de l’Enquesta a la Joventut de Catalunya. • Metodologia qualitativa: entrevistes a persones de grups vulnerables per tal d’enriquir la comprensió de la complexitat del fenomen de la inseguretat econòmica i de la desigualtat social aportada a partir de les dades de la matriu de l’EJC17 des de la consideració aprofundida de contextos i nivells individuals en què aquesta es dóna.
Institució que finança el projecte: Agència Catalana de la Joventut.
IP: Ismael Blanco Fillola
Research team: Míriam Acebillo Baqué (IGOP/UAB) (Coord.), Margarita León (UAB), Lara Maestripieri (Politecnico de Milano / UAB), Alejandra Peña López (IGOP/UAB).
Promoting Youth Involvement and Social Engagement (PROMISE)
Young people face tough choices in key areas of social life that affect their participation in society, and their potential marginalisation from it : from structural issues of unemployment, lack of access to affordable housing and debt problems, to information overload on big questions like the environment, identity, faith and radicalisation, and negotiating the moral challenges of illegal markets and an increasingly sexualised social-media generation. While there are wide variations in opportunities and challenges between and within countries, Young people today face tough choices in negotiating this moral maze. The PROMISE Project will investigate how Young people’s , often negative, responses to these problems create conflict, and how, instead, their responses can provide opportunities for positive social engagement. By addressing the experiences, values and attitudes of European youth seen to be in conflict with older generations, authorities and social norms PROMISE will get to the heart of barriers and opportunities for social engagement. We will employ a four pronged methodology to gather and analyse on a cross national level, alongside comparative ethnographic case study data that uniquely addresses the experiences of ‘conflicted’ youth within the context and social history of each country. Each case study will address a site of conflict and stigmatisation as a (potential) site of innovation or social change. Throughout the process, we will involve Young people across Europe in setting the agenda, in documenting their situation an in articulating their needs. PROMISE will produce a comparative ethnography of Young people in 10 European countries, a comparative quantitative analysis of attitudes, values and control, and policy papers and positive engagement strategies.
IP: Jo Deakin (IP of IGOP partner: Zyab Ibáñez)
Dates: 1st May 2016 for 36 months (2016-2019)
Participating Institutions: University of Manchester (Coordinator); IPRS, Italy; CJD Hambrug and Eutin, Germany; Universitat Autonoma Barcelona (UAB); Universida Catolica Portuguesa (UCP); Univerzita Mateja Bela (UMB Slovakia); Finnish Youth REsearch Network (Finland); University of Tartu (Estonia); GESIS Leibniz Institut (Germany); Centre for Youth Studies (Russia); Ivo Pilar Institute (Croatia).
Social Vulnerability and its Intersections: The role of gender in a comparative perspective (VINE)
Is a research project funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship program, promoted by the European Commission to support research in the European Union and to foster career development and mobility of researchers within and beyond the Union. The general objective of VINE is to analyse how the institutional context as well as individual characteristics – as gender – affects individual risk of living in vulnerable households, from a comparative and multidimensional perspective.
IP: Lara Maestripieri
Dates: 2017-2019
Local cultural policies and equity. Study with participatory research methodology
This research project has two main goals:
1) Analyze strengths and challenges of local policies, especially in tackling equity in cultural rights and cultural participation. In particular, the research will be concentrated in four municipalities of Catalonia: El Prat, Igualada, Sabadell and Tiana.
2) Obtain local agents participation in the design and development of this research project. We refer particularly to local governments professionals, as well as cultural agents and citizens.
IP: Nicolás Barbieri
Dates: 2018
Good practices analysis, spaces for exchange and activities for the dissemination of knowledge
This research project develops a set of tasks linked to the development of the Bank of Good Practices of the Area of Social Rights of Barcelona City Council:
• Good practices in social rights analysis (10 cases).
• Participation in the development of exchange and generation of knowledge between practices sessions.
• Linking the Bank of Good Practices projects with generation and transfer of knowledge spaces.
IP: Nicolás Barbieri
Dates: 2018
Transformational Leadership, PSM and performance: clarifying the relations and the role of sector, job characteristics and organizational mission values
One of the main concerns of public management research and practice is individual and organizational performance. One of the possible levers to increase individual or organizational performance is leadership and specifically transformational leadership (TL) which has been found to be particularly effective to inspire employees and improve performance.
In this paper we would like to clarify the relations between TL and performance taking into account employees’ public service motivation (PSM). With respect to this question, the paper investigates the relation between TL and PSM: we understand that TL could increase performance for those employees with high levels of PSM. However, we also would like to consider the possibility that it may not be so for those employees with already high levels of PSM. Another question we would like to clarify is the role of person-job fit and person-organization fit in all these relations. In principle, we would expect that a positive relationship between TL, PSM and performance is mediated by a better fit with both the job and the organization.
The literature has studied the relation between TL, PSM and mission valence (Wright, Moynihan and Pandey 2011) and the relation between TL, PSM and performance (Park and Rainey 2008, Belle 2013). However, the outcomes of research in this area need further development in different contexts and sectors as there is still scarce evidence and some relations need clarification.
This research is based on a survey to a sample of professionals from health and social services that the Catalan government uses for various purposes. In order to avoid common source method bias, the analysis will use alternative sources for data on individual and organizational performance. Since the survey is directed to professionals from the public, the non-profit and the private sector, the paper will also analyse whether all the studied relations operate in the same way in different sectors.
IP: Xavier Ballart
Research team: Xavier Ballart, Guillem Rico, Guillem Ripoll i Fidel González
Transnational Political Incorporation
International migration challenges the territorial congruence between states and citizens and the access to policy-making of mobile citizens. There is a long-standing but still growing attention among academics and policy makers to processes of the political incorporation of immigrants in their countries of residence. Yet, also emigrant citizens are increasingly included as legitimate claimants in their homeland polities. We argue that the inclusion tracks available for the local and national incorporation of resident non-citizens are also available to the transnational political incorporation of non-resident citizens in policy making in their country of origin. While only 17 countries extended voting rights to emigrants in 1980, 115 countries did so in 2007 with 13 countries allowing emigrants to elect their own candidates. Moreover, emigrants are increasingly noted to undertake both individual and group non-electoral claims-making towards the homeland. We therefore propose a comprehensive analysis of the transnational political incorporation patterns of emigrants along the dimensions of both electoral and non-electoral modes of participation at both the individual and group level. The opening preliminary hypotheses are that emigrants continue to be interested in having a voice in homeland politics. Yet, the extent to which emigrants incorporate politically in the politics of their homeland depends on the configurations of political rights and resources among individuals and groups relating to both their context of residence and origin.
IP: Eva Ostergaard-Nielsen
Dates: 2015-2018
Multi Agency Training Exit Strategies for radicalised youth: MATES
Recently, European countries have witnessed a stunning growth of youth radicalised to terrorism. Radicalisation mechanisms seem to be common to all countries and many recent studies have shown the impact of prison environment on the radicalisation process. In most recent years, however, the Justice systems of many EU countries have gradually shifted their attention from recruitment to the rehabilitation process of individuals sanctioned or convicted for radicalisation crimes – from in-prison to out-of-prison radicalisation processes. The rehabilitation of these youth is, in fact, increasingly acknowledged as an extremely complex phenomenon that deserves special attention as well as a multiple-skills approach. How to devise a truly efficient exit strategy (probation measures or alternative sanctions) for these youth – a strategy that can be effectively reintegrating the individual in the local society and that avoids risks of re-radicalisation – is a question that raises a number of issues and still needs appropriate responses.
An efficient probation entails a strong interaction between the Justice System and the key actors responsible for the youth’s social rehabilitation at local level. In order for the probation to be truly effective it is therefore necessary to firstly build or reinforce a network of social actors with a shared approach to the reinsertion of radicalised youth.
MATES project will develop a training method that aims at providing probation officers as well as first-line practitioners (FLP) with enough capacity and understanding to recognise early signs of radicalisation, contrast potential re-radicalisation and indirectly prevent risks of recruitment to terrorism.
Collaboration with and among probation officers, local social workers, community leaders, staff of education agencies, youth sporting clubs will then focus on engaging with youth as to change their negative perceptions of state and society, help them to establish new social networks away from extremism, provide vocational training, sports coaching, fitness training, art, etc. as a means of creating a regular interaction and promoting peaceful coexistence.
The project major aim will be to train probation officers for a more efficient reinsertion of the youth convicted for radicalisation to terrorism.
IP: Zyab Ibáñez
Dates: 2016-2018
Funding: EU Commission – DG Home Affairs – Internal Security Fund Police (2014-2020). Call /2015/ISFP/AG/LETX “Law Enforcement Training”
Participating Institutions: IPRS – Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research, Italy; “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Dept of Criminology, Italy; CJD-Hamburg, Germany; Catholic University of Porto, Portugal; Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain; Tartu University, Estonia; EJJO, European Juvenile Justice Observatory, Bruxelles.
Altres projectes (ordre cronològic i alfabètic)
Projectes amb IP del grup AGAPP
- Avaluació de l’impacte de l’acció comunitària en la salut de la població. (2015-2017). IP: Raquel Gallego. Web: http://salutcomunitaria.com
- Emigrant political incorporation (EMINCOR). (2015-2017). IP: Eva Ostergaard-Nielsen.
- History of Nuclear Energy and Society (HoNESt). (2015-2018). IP: Pep Espluga.
- PROMISE- The Young as a driver of social change (2016). IP: Margarita León.
- Policies and practices of emigrant political incorporation. (2015-2016). IP: Eva Ostergaard-Nielsen.
- Emigrant political incorporation (2015-2016). IP: Eva Ostergaard-Nielsen.
- La medida de la motivación para el servicio público (2015-2016). IP: Xavier Ballart.
- El papel de la metáfora en la definición y percepción social de temas conflictivos. Instituciones, medios de comunicación y ciudadanos (2014-2016). IP: Pep Espluga.
- Mobile identities: migration and integration in transnational communities (2014-2016). IP: Margarita León; Web: Mobile Identities Web
- Polítiques Municipals Innovadores en el Context de Crisis i Austeritat: Experiència en els Petits Municipis de Catalunya (2015). IP: Quim Brugué.
- Xarxa Barcelona per a la inserció laboral de persones amb discapacitat: avaluació de procés i enquesta (2015). IP: Nicolas Barbieri.
- Empoderar per a Transformar: Innovació en la Lluita contra la Pobresa (2014-2015). IP: Quim Brugué.
- Descentralización y (des)igualdad en el Estado Autonómico: ideología y partidos, opinión pública, financiación territorial y políticas públicas (DESCIDES). (2012-2014). IP: Raquel Gallego
- Descentralització i autonomia política: L’impacte de la ideologia i el finançament territorial en la trajectòria de polítiques públiques a Catalunya i Andalusia (2012-2014). IP: Raquel Gallego.
- Emigración, ciudadanía externa y partidos políticos en España, Italia y Rumania (2011-2014). IP: Eva Ostergaard-Nielsen.
- La Organización social del cuidado: España en perspectiva comparada CSO2011-28333 (2012-2014). IP: Margarita León.
- Las Polítiques de Consum a la Província de Barcelona: Reptes Estratégics (2014). IP: Quim Brugué.
- Descentralització i autonomia política: L’impacte de la ideologia i el finançament territorial en la trajectòria de polítiques públiques a Catalunya i Andalusia. El cas de la sanitat (2013). IP: Raquel Gallego.
- Informe sobre la Situació de la Integració de les Persones Immigrades a Catalunya (2013). IP: Quim Brugué.
- Repensando el concepto de “trabajo”. ¿Qué ocupaciones para qué jóvenes? (2011-2013). IP: Joan Subirats i Margarita León; Web: http://jovesinsercio.wordpress.com/
- La Innovació Administrativa com a Resposta davant la Incertesa (2012). IP: Quim Brugué.
- Policy Addressing Climate Change and Learning about Consumer Behaviour and Everyday Life (2010-2012). IP: Pep Espluga.
- The European Observation Network on Territorial Development and Cohesion ESPON-ISTED (2010-2012). IP: Quim Brugué; Web: Projecte ESPON
- Estudio sobre las percepciones de actores significativos entorno los efectos de la política de participación ciudadana en Aragón (2011). IP: Quim Brugué.
- Mapa de la participación ciudadana de Paraguay (2010-2011). IP: Quim Brugué.
- Les Comissions Interdepartamentals: de l’Especialització al Diàleg en el Funcionament de l’Administració Catalana (2009-2010). IP: Quim Brugué.
- Banc d’experiències i bones pràctiques (Qualitat de Vida, Igualtat i Esports). IP: Nicolas Barbieri.
- Democracia Deliberativa y Política de Agua: Experiencias de Participación en el Contexto de la Directiva Marco del Agua (DMA-PART). IP: Quim Brugué.
- L’Agricultura Social: Anàlisi Econòmica i Avaluació del Retorn a la Societat. IP: Pep Espluga.
- Procés de reflexió col·lectiva sobre les Deixalleries del Vallès Oriental. IP: Pep Espluga.
- Procés de reflexió sobre el present i el futur dels Serveis de Prevenció. IP: Pep Espluga.
- SGR (Grup de Recerca Consolidat): “Anàlisi, Gestió i Avaluació de Polítiques Públiques” (AGAPP). IP: Raquel Gallego; Web: https://www.agapp.cat
- Transversalitzem la Sobirania Alimentària a la UAB, compromís per a un món més just. IP: Pep Espluga.
Projectes amb participació de membres AGAPP
- Emerging modes of political protest: paths to political inclusion (2015-2017). IP: Eva Anduiza; Web: Protesta i desigualtat
- Sistema d’indicadors d’impacte de les organitzacions d’inserció de persones amb discapacitat (2014). IP: Joan Subirats.
- Evaluación del modelo de intervención para abordar la soledad de las personas mayores (2014). IP: Joan Subirats.
- Les raons i les realitats de la tria d’escola de les famílies estrangeres a la ciutat de Barcelona i els seus efectes sobre la igualtat d’oportunitats (2011-2012). IP: Miquel Àngel Alegre.
- Regímenes escolares y equidad educativa. Una aproximación comparativa apoyada en encuestas internacional y estudios de caso (2010-2011). IP: Miquel Àngel Alegre.
- El retorn social de les polítiques culturals (2009). IP: Joan Subirats.
- Tercer sector, cultura i proximitat (2008-2009). IP: Joan Subirats.
- Calibrando Estados de Bienestar en el Sur e Europa (CABISE). IP: Anna Marta Guillen.