Vulnerabilitat social i les seves interseccions: El paper del gènere en una perspectiva comparativa (Projecte VINE)
Seminari AGAPP (IGOP)
11/07/2019 – 13h
Edifici MRA, 1a planta.
Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra
Vine project
un projecte de investigació finançat per Casa Skłodowska- Curie Fellowship, promogut per la Comissió Europea per donar suport a la recerca a la Unió Europea i fomentar el desenvolupament professional i la mobilitat dels investigadors dins i fora de la Unió. L’objectiu general de VINE és analitzar com el context institucional i les característiques individuals -com gènere- afecta el risc individual de viure en llars vulnerables, des d’una perspectiva comparativa i multidimensional.
Lara Maestripieri
Lara Maestripieri holds a PhD in Sociology and Social Research. She is Senior Lecturer in Economic Sociology at the Laboratory of Social Policies (DASTU/Polytechnic of Milano). She has been Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the Institute of Government and Public Policies (IGOP) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2017-2019), where she is member of the Research group Analysis, Management and Evaluation of Public Policies (AGAPP). She is the current Secretary/Treasurer of ISA RC52 “Sociology of Professional Groups” board. Her main interests of research is social change in post-industrial society and in particular: marginalised groups in labour markets (women and young people), social vulnerability and emerging professions. Published articles on XX research stream appeared in . You can find all her publications, news and activities in her personal homepage: